Pubic Notice – Heavy Rainfall



**Public Advisory**
February 18th, 2022
Deer Lake residents are advised that with the large amount of rain that has fallen the Public Works Department are working diligently to ensure catch basins and ditches are open for the excessive amount of rain that continues to fall. Several priority areas that are being work on include:
– Opening priority catch basins
– Monitor sanitary sewer lift stations
– Removing snow from street gutters
Resident in the Nicholsville are are asked to conserve water at this time as the sanitary sewer system has been experiencing problems due to rain water entering the system.
With the flash freeze that is anticipated this evening resident are asked to use caution while driving or walking throughout the community. Public Works are preparing to sand/salt the roads when this flash freeze occurs.
For after hours emergencies throughout the evening please call the after hours emergency line at 635-2451.