Tax Rates

Residential Tax Information for the Town of Deer Lake

  • Property Tax 7.5 Mills (on the assessed property value).
  • Minimum Property Tax $495 per year.
  • Interest on delinquent accounts: Compound Interest monthly rate of 3%

Are you eligible for a tax exemption? Click here for the form, which must be submitted by August 1st of the calendar year they were issued. 


DISCOUNTS are available:

  • 3% if you pay in full before Jan. 31 of the calendar year they were issued.
  • 2% if you pay in full before Feb. 29 of the calendar year they were issued.

ALL TAXES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE BY MARCH 31, 2024, of the calendar year they were issued. For a complete Schedule of Town of Deer Lake Taxes please click here.

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