Deer Lake is now collecting sorted recyclables and garbage right at your curbside!
Young Pasadena residents, Hannah and Cali, are excited to start recycling in the new Sort-it Western Initative. The girls decided to give us a rundown on how to recycle properly. Watch and Learn!

Sort- It Western Initiative
The Blue Bag Program
Within the blue bag program, mixed paper and mixed containers are suitable for recycling. Paper and cardboard make up over 30% of all the waste we currently generate. Paper, metal and plastic containers make up about 23% of our waste stream. That means you can get over 50% of your waste kept from landfill and sent off to a new purpose!
Mixed paper consists of paper, boxboard, and cardboard. Mixed containers means paper containers, metal containers and plastic containers. All containers must be emptied, rinsed, and wiped. If you put out more than one bag, please be encouraged to put paper in one bag and containers in the other to avoid contamination.
Contamination happens when dirty recyclables get co-mingled, for example when ketchup from your non-rinsed ketchup bottle spills over paper. That paper then might not be recyclable anymore, increasing costs for Deer Lake. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we all clean our containers before placing them in the recyclables bag!
WRWM has a sorting guide available. Follow this guide to see what is recyclable, what goes in the garbage, and where to drop off bulk, electronic, and household hazardous waste. On the WRWM website, you can also find more information on the mandatory program in general.
Still not sure whether that light bulb or plastic flower pot could find a second life? Find out via on how to properly dispose of your waste.
Have a question?
So what about my deposit refund?
Please continue returning your recyclable beverage containers to Sedler Green Depot. This is the only way to get a deposit back.
Don’t forget: the less we put out on the curb, the less we will need to pay to transport it! Sedler’s employees reminded us that there is a list of organizations you can donate your recyclables to, like the schools, churches and sports programs. Way to support your community!
So what about plastics?
Soft plastics such as cling wrap, cellophane, cereal bags and single-use plastic carrier bags are garbage and go in the clear bag, while hard plastics such as plastic containers and bottles are recyclable and go in the blue bag.
Reducing our plastic consumption is the first step we should all take so that we can tackle the pressing issue of plastics in our oceans, woods and on our roadsides, threatening our community’s health and environment. Tips on how to reduce your waste can be found in the reduce/reuse section!
So what about glass (beverage) containers?
Glass containers are not included in the curbside pick-up scheme. Please return your glass beverage containers to Sedler Green Depot for recycling.
Sedler Green Depot
32 Reid’s Lane, Deer Lake, A8A 2A2
(709) 635-3110
Did you know… that beverage containers can be recycled into fleeces, blankets and even sleeping bags? Staying warm with a conscience!
What goes in blue transparent recycling bags?