Recycling and Garbage
Deer Lake is now collecting sorted recyclables and garbage right at your curbside!

We will operate on a two-stream curbside collection scheme:
1. Recyclables will be collected in transparent blue bags, collected every week.
2. Garbage has to be put in clear bags, collected every week.
Provincial Waste Management Strategy
Too good to Waste!
Deer Lake is a piece of paradise and we need to preserve this beautiful place for ourselves and generations to come. In compliance with the Provincial Waste Management Strategy, Deer Lake is joining the recycling movement!
Effective October 15, 2018, the town now operates on the dual-stream curbside collection scheme implemented by Western Regional Waste Management. Recyclables will be collected in transparent blue bags, while garbage will be put out in clear bags. For your own privacy, two small non-transparent bags may be placed inside each clear bag.
In a survey conducted in Deer Lake during May and June of 2018, residents reported on the composition of their weekly household waste. With 35%, organics definitely is the main stream of waste generated in our Town. Organic waste can be easily composted in your backyard. Paper and cardboard, together with recyclable containers, can be put out on the curb in blue transparent bags.