Request for Quotes




Request for Quotations


Construction of a Lean-to Shelter covering the Arena Air Handling Units


Deadline: before 12:00pm Monday, May 30, 2022


Client Overview

The Town of Deer Lake is located in Western Newfoundland at the junction of the Trans-Canada Highway and Route 430, the Viking Trail. The Town is a vibrant, growing community with over 5,000 residents and it is strategically located as a gateway to the Great Northern Peninsula and Labrador. Nearby Deer Lake Airport is the air-link hub for western Newfoundland.


Project Overview

The Town of Deer Lake is issuing this Request for Quotations (RFQ) for the construction of a lean to shelter, covering existing air handling units at the back of the Hodder Memorial Arena in Deer Lake.

Interested parties can view the drawing for the lean-to structure at The Town office, 34 Reid’s Lane. To View the site please contact Glynn Wiseman at 709 635 3682.

As a result, the Town of Deer Lake would like to invite quotations on the following:


Construction of a lean to shelter as described in the design that has been approved by the Town of Deer Lake.


The contractor will be responsible for:


 – Sourcing all applicable materials.

 – Construction of the structure.

 – Attaching the structure into the existing roof line of the arena.


The Town of Deer Lake will provide


  • Guidance to the contractor on the work to be completed.
  • Drawings


Timelines and Additional Requirements:


  • The project much be completed by September 1,
  • Any damages caused to air handling units, piping or recreation complex will be the responsibility of the contractor and will be repaired at the contractor’s cost.
  • The contractor must adhere to all occupational health and safety regulations.
  • Letter of good standing from workers compensation.


 Submission Requirements & Deadline


Completed quotations should be forwarded via email to the Town of Deer Lake’s Town Manager Maxine Hayden – contact info below including email address.


Town of Deer Lake

c/o Maxine Hayden

Town Manager

34 Reid’s Lane

Deer Lake, NL A8A 2A2


Email –


Please call w. (709) 635-2451 for further questions or feedback.


Deadline – Quotations will be received before 12:00pm Monday, May 30, 2022

*(NDT) Newfoundland Daylight Time


A copy of a project drawings are available via request from the Town Office. 

The financial value of a contract resulting from this procurement process will be publicly released as part of the award notification process.


This procurement process is subject to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015.


The bidder agrees that any specific information in its bid that may qualify for an exemption from disclosure under subsection 39(1) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 has been identified. If no specific information has been identified it is assumed that, in the opinion of the bidder, there is no specific information that qualifies for an exemption under subsection 39(1) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015.



Request for Quotes